- Kocaeli-Bizimköy is not only a production facility but also a Social Responsibility Project, in which we employ around 90 workers with disabilities.We arrange work distribution according to the specific disabilities of our employees and provide them the opportunity to contribute to the general workforce. With this unique project, we have won the award for “Best Job Creation & Business Development Project” by the International Chamber of Commerce in May 2015.
- Metraco values women’s labor force greatly. 75% of our employees are female. Each year since 2015 we are awarded by the Municipality of Izmit and İŞKUR (Turkish Employment Agency) for our effort and investment in women empowerment.
- In our facility, we provide our employees with an in-house full-time doctor for their medical care.
- Protective garments, masksand equipmentare supplied to necessary departments where chemicals and sharp objects are being used.
- We closely follow and apply Turkish Governmental Regulations to deliver the best working conditions and ethics in our facilities.